
Heart Stutter

Her eyes search the ground nervously for something to focus on as her sneakered feet kick at the dirt & her hands move restlessly bundled in the buttom of her wrinkled shirt, & she chews on her bottom lip while she tries to remember how to articulate things other people seems to find so easy to just blurt out.


Just Like in That Movie...

Bring your pen, bring your heart
Take my hand,
I've got my camera, & we've got endless options,
We're going on an adventure.

We'll dress like bums & see who gives us change,
Use it all on coffee & cigarettes,
& make up lives for the world around us,
While we sit at a little table & pretend to be moody & pretentious.

We can dress up all sophisticated & visit art galleries,
& make up lives for ourselves,
Where we can be rich & buy one painting from every room,
While we pretend to be snooty art critics that call everyone else pretentious.

We'll disguise ourselves as hippies, & go frolicking though a meadow,
& watch how all our lives are nothing but beauty,
While we pretend to be kids & dance in the rain, we don't even know the meaning of pretentious.

We can wear nothing but pajamas, & lay around my room,
& dream of lives we've led before,
& muse about the lives in fiction that we love,
While we pretend we have no problems & we would never dream of being pretentious.

& I'll capture it all through a lens,
& you capture it all in ink,
& tomorrow we'll wake, & be ourselves once again,

& I'll make you breakfast,
& you'll nurse your coffee,
& we'll smile slyly at each other over our night of other lives,
& off to work we'll go, with no one any the wiser.


Brought to You by the Letter "E"

“It looks really cool until it fades though, almost like a scar.”

She spoke as a dreamer does, believing that scars are what life is made of, while knowing her body didn’t hold nearly as many as it should to prover her theory, but fearing a time when it may.

She lived her life through books & song lyrics & the parts of movies that haunt you forever. She became the people she watched & read & sang along in the car about, a small childish part of her hoping this would be the only way she’d ever endure life.

But life was coming at at her with ever increasing speed & a bigger part of her sensed that soon her innocence would be lost like so many memories of her childhood already were & she would have to grow up & really face the cold hearted truths of the world without a first person narrative assuring her that in the end all would be happily ever after.

It was times like these, when she wandered into these thoughts, that she longed most for days when Kermit the Frog was her best friend & everyone she knew believed, as she still did, that someday they really would find the rainbow connection.